• A Gallery of Porridge Party People

    A Gallery of Porridge Party People

    Mostly we chill, but we do spill out into the night on occasion.


  • Porridge Club Saved Me

    Porridge Club Saved Me

    So every time I talk about Porridge Club, the mad glint in my eye, and the fact that it has a name ending in ‘Club’ makes it appear as though I’ve joined either a most wholesome or most disturbing cult. If I am quite honest, hearing my own proselytizing about it makes me occasionally wonder…


  • Falling in love straight after your divorce (and lessons I have learned).

    Falling in love straight after your divorce (and lessons I have learned).

    It’s clickbait, guys. But it’s also true. Argh. Love. What? Why? And more please. You know the story. The ex husband and I were horribly in love, had twelve excellent years, acquired offspring, and then discovered that we were no longer in love anymore and were left scratching our heads about what to do about…
