• A Gallery of Porridge Party People

    A Gallery of Porridge Party People

    Mostly we chill, but we do spill out into the night on occasion.


  • Can you remember a time when you last got SUPER excited?

    Can you remember a time when you last got SUPER excited?

    Alright, I’m ridiculously late to the party, but I’ve been bingewatching literally EVERYTHING the VlogBrothers (Hank and John Green) make on YouTube, because I need the good feels these days and I’m also running out of steam with regard to, you know…hopes, dreams, ambition! And four minutes of one of these nutjobs ranting about something…


  • A childhood memory that arrived unexpectedly and didn’t leave

    A childhood memory that arrived unexpectedly and didn’t leave

    In the 90s: Winter. Cape Town. It is dark, very early in the morning. School holidays have begun. Rain slashes the windscreen of our old, rusted Datsun, the one with the hole in the floor that we could stick our fingers through or peer in to watch the tarred road whizz by beneath. The daily…


  • Falling in love straight after your divorce (and lessons I have learned).

    Falling in love straight after your divorce (and lessons I have learned).

    It’s clickbait, guys. But it’s also true. Argh. Love. What? Why? And more please. You know the story. The ex husband and I were horribly in love, had twelve excellent years, acquired offspring, and then discovered that we were no longer in love anymore and were left scratching our heads about what to do about…


  • I Didn’t Do It

    I Didn’t Do It

    I didn’t start the diary, that is. I keep telling myself I don’t have time for it, and then procrastinating until some future date like, say, next Monday. Wait no, the first of Jan. Along with most people’s fitness resolutions and my promises to organise my underwear drawer. Actually, I don’t take this lightly (despite my careless words above).…


  • The Speaker – Didintle Ntsie

    The Speaker – Didintle Ntsie

    This rad human is someone I’ve had the very good fortune of being acquainted with for at least 7 years. We met, initially, through the fluid madness that was Observatory in the mid 2000s – to be honest, we may have been living in the same house, but one can’t be sure of living arrangements…


  • The Fighter: Jongi Kanko

    The Fighter: Jongi Kanko

    So Cape Town has quite a number of people worth turning our short attention spans to. This is the first cool person I’ve been fortunate to profile, and I’m really excited about the various projects he has going. But apart from the projects, it’s his persona, too, which has people lining up to join his team. When…


  • Welcome to Your Heritage. Don’t Forget Your Dancing Shoes.

    Welcome to Your Heritage. Don’t Forget Your Dancing Shoes.

    I took a trip in time yesterday. It wasn’t my usual Saturday afternoon routine (if lying on my couch considering the hard choice between a wine or a workout can be called a routine). I was invited to attend a rare event, and one which so happily coincided with an interest I’ve recently taken in…


  • Little Girls Know It All

    Little Girls Know It All

    Walking in the CBD at lunchtime, you usually get an overwhelming amount of Life Experience. Experiences such as having your Blackberry liberated from your pocket, tripping over loose cobblestones, having a guy shout ‘Ow, girl!’ at while you scowl at both him and the wind trying to knock your skirt up in the air for…
