Being an outsider (said with all of the drama Zazu spits the word out with in Lion King 2) necessarily means that there are beings/entities/communities one finds oneself outside of. It can cover all manner of relationship types, with romance being but a tiny (if potentially quite agonising) bit.

Shit, let me tell you something. I have Leslie Knoped my way through my share of disaster dates, charmed enough unwitting strangers into becoming confidants/rant recipients, delighted and upset a great many colleagues and general professionals, and I have learned some lessons along the way. I have, of course, ignored some important lessons too, but that’s for you to judge and me to fake a phone call and walk away about.

I think I care a lot about about this section of the blog because relationships with other people have taken up the space in my spirit that religion could have. People are a source of unending curiosity for me – of reverence and revulsion, and I am learning about my own sense of being a person in the process. This feeling, I think, is something many people who feel like they’re always visiting might share.