a blog. for those who don’t live where they live

family relationships

I know your family’s weird, so spend some time with mine. They’re totally nuts. My OG family live thousands of kilometers away, and this is a little rough on me, especially when I am craving a really good breyani. I have, however, acquired a little tamagotchi family of real humans that need care and feeding and entertainment, and return I get care and food and entertainment from them, and it’s all exceptionally idyllic, if untraditional, and how cute it is will make you sick to your stomach.

  • A childhood memory that arrived unexpectedly and didn’t leave

    A childhood memory that arrived unexpectedly and didn’t leave

    In the 90s: Winter. Cape Town. It is dark, very early in the morning. School holidays have begun. Rain slashes the windscreen of our old, rusted Datsun, the one with the hole in the floor that we could stick our fingers through or peer in to watch the tarred road whizz by beneath. The daily…


  • Falling in love straight after your divorce (and lessons I have learned).

    Falling in love straight after your divorce (and lessons I have learned).

    It’s clickbait, guys. But it’s also true. Argh. Love. What? Why? And more please. You know the story. The ex husband and I were horribly in love, had twelve excellent years, acquired offspring, and then discovered that we were no longer in love anymore and were left scratching our heads about what to do about…


  • Untethered in Oslo. The First Day Back (Do Me a Favour).

    Untethered in Oslo. The First Day Back (Do Me a Favour).

    Years ago my friend Katie suggested that I try doing something called “writing scared”. Writing that plucks material from parts of you that are made immediately uncomfortable and unsettled. Journaling is one way for me to do this, and lately, with so many big feelings to process, it’s been very rewarding.   Then I started…


  • Jomfruland, Kragerø (Telemark, Norway)

    Jomfruland, Kragerø (Telemark, Norway)

    Some weeks ago we were invited to celebrate the birthday of a friend at a rented house three hours outside of Oslo. The invite was extended by a pair of people so delightful that I would have probably agreed to tag along if they told me Billy Corgan would be there performing only songs from…


  • Defending the Failure to Cope

    Defending the Failure to Cope

    Recently I’ve been receiving a lot of encouraging and supportive messages from the people I meet and people I know. I appreciate it because it keeps me going strong and makes me feel as though I can conquer the world! However, the unintended effect of this praise also has me feeling a little unsure, a…


  • Open Season on Commentary on Your Baby

    Open Season on Commentary on Your Baby

    What’s the weirdest thing anybody’s ever tried to tell you about your baby? That is, what kind of unsolicited advice have you received that’s made you say, “Huh. Thank you for telling me this. Now I know to hide behind the nearest bush when I see you coming.” I am 5 days into parenthood. But…


  • Trains, canes & hungry dames – Kalk Bay Eating

    Trains, canes & hungry dames – Kalk Bay Eating

    This post was originally from June 23 2014 on a different blog. Today was a day with Ma (my grandmother). We’d planned to go to my eat out in my neighbourhood, but it seems Mondays are not good days for people in the Southern Suburbs. So we went on an adventure. Uh, all the way to…
