a blog. for those who don’t live where they live

Some people travel to see nature (gross), others to eat food (hmm, maybe), and still others like the idea of ticking off all the big monuments that populate lists of the destination’s unique treasures. Here in Norway, and I will fight you if you challenge me on it, an undisputable treasure is the country’s libraries. I KNOW! You think it’s boring, but I’m not just some kind of nerd who likes to sit in dark places and sniff- er… read books. Norwegian libraries have been smugly enjoying the attention they deserve lately, and becoming pretty un-library-like. So I thought they would be an excellent focal point for this person with great travel aspirations but much anxiety and limited budget. The idea started with a humble library in Lillehammer rescuing me in a moment of crisis and developed into a deep fascination about the many forms and functions this public institution serves. Oh shush, I won’t only bore you with institutional history, I promise I will also get out into the World and see the People and point at them and ask them questions like: “Why?” and “Are you OK?”. And if they don’t run me out of town quietly (this is Norway, after all, I’m sure even town mobs are quiet), then I will get the scoop on what makes that place a good one to visit. Viola! Travel blog! Voila! New friends (maybe, see above mob reference)! Voila! New books to read. Ooh, and fourth Voila! TRAINS. Trains, guys, trains. Trains. Did you get that? I said trains.

  • Not your (well, my, grandma’s library)

    Not your (well, my, grandma’s library)

    Not your (well, my) grandma’s library) I’m embarking on a new travel(ish) series: I will be exploring Norway in the most unadventurous way possible, via its network of public libraries. Hush now, it’s not as boring as you imagine! How many mountains do you need to see on-screen? One, maybe, I think. Maybe two, if…
