a blog. for those who don’t live where they live

This is a very good photo of me not answering emails.

This blog is populated with exploring the nature of feeling sort of…alien. You know, uncertain how to navigate the world you find yourself in, but still having to live and get by despite it all? Whether you are living in new country, figuring out your identity, dealing with change of some sort, then I am so happy to tell you: I have no answers.

However! I do know people who have found surprising ways to manage life as outsiders. I too have crawled my way to something of a balanced existence. Every day I’m learning about how fun it is to be a freak, and am slowly shedding the fiendish layers of the many masks I wear to now gloop myself into a jolly blob of my own shaping. I am often simultaneously horrified and delighted at the forms I choose to inhabit.

The blog recently underwent an identity overhaul (haven’t we all?), and so the old posts are a bit muddled. Here is what it will contain going forward:

You can e-mail me at kingterryjo@gmail.com, but I currently have 13735 unread emails, so…

I don’t know you. I’ve been told that I am annoyingly likely to want to know you if we met in person. So I hope we never meet, because I’m very tired. In this blog you will meet some of the interesting people I encounter, see how I trial and errored my way into a pretty good life situation (according to me at least), and hopefully have a good laugh at my expense.